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Juan Carlos González

Juan Carlos González is a lifelong Oregonian and first-generation Mexican American serving on the Metro Council since 2019. Committed to building a more inclusive and prosperous region, Juan Carlos champions affordable housing, safer streets, and economic opportunity for all communities across Greater Portland.

Lynn Peterson

Lynn Peterson has been an elected Lake Oswego City Councilor, Chair of Clackamas County Commission and now, Metro Council President representing 1.7M people in the Greater Portland Region. Her passion is creating and implementing collaborative processes that focus on delivering outcomes. Working at the regional level means working to help every community in the region achieve their priority programs and projects.

Christine Lewis

Christine Lewis represents the communities of District 2 on the Metro Council. With a background in community organizing, electoral campaigns, policy and advocacy work from housing and local government to environmental and economic justice, Christine is deeply committed to supporting projects that build resilient and creative communities.